PRESSURE SENSOR (weight sensor)

by Juhadi Kulon Progo , at 11.16.00
PRESSURE SENSOR (weight sensor) - Hallo sahabatku, Elektronika Analog dan Digital, Kita jumpa lagi di hari ini, . Pada Artikel ini. saya akan coba bagikan sebuah artikel dengan judul PRESSURE SENSOR (weight sensor), kami telah mempersiapkan artikel ini sepesial buat anda untuk sekedar berbagi saja ya.... siapa tau didalam isi artikel in bermanfaat buat anda. Kami berharap isi postingan Artikel Tutorial, yang kami tulis ini bisa anda pahami dengan mudah. Langsung aja yaa...kita mulai, Dan selamat membaca.

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Don't pay $15.00 for a pressure sensor. These sensors cost less than $2.00 (posted) and they are available from 200gm to 20kgm sensing range.
We are just going to test these sensors and provide a readout on LEDs that blink to indicate the value in grams.
You can then get the experience of interfacing them to a display circuit. But we are mainly concerned with their suitability for various different applications and how they perform.
This pressure sensor contains a pad of resistive material that decreases in resistance when it gets squashed. There is no bending or movement of the sensor.
The $2.00  (0-500gm) FORCE DETECTOR is sold on AliExpress as: DF9-40 Hi-Precise Nanometer Pressure Sensor Resistance-type Thin Film 0-500g  Force Sensor. To test this FORCE DETECTOR, (also called FORCE SENSE RESISTOR -FSR) connect it to a multimeter set to HIGH OHMs. The resistance will be close to infinity when no force is applied to the pad.  The resistance decreases to less than 10k when full force is applied.

The graph shows how the resistance decreases as pressure is applied. Connect the sensor to 5v via a 47k or 100k resistor and measure the voltage across it at different loads. Use a microcontroller to read the voltage and have a "look-up" table to convert the voltage to a weight.

Here is a circuit that buzzes when a particular pressure has been detected:

This type of circuit is used to detect when a product has been filled. It may then go to the next stage of "topping up" (generally with water) to meet the weight marked on the product.  You will have to work out if the sensor maintains its accuracy over a period of days and months and if this type of circuit provides sufficient accuracy to be classified as RELIABLE.

For "bending" see the next sensor: STRAIN GAUGE.

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Juhadi Kulon Progo
PRESSURE SENSOR (weight sensor) - written by Juhadi Kulon Progo , published at 11.16.00, categorized as Tutorial
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