10W amplifier using TDA2003

by Juhadi Kulon Progo , at 23.58.00
10W amplifier using TDA2003 - Hallo sahabatku, Elektronika Analog dan Digital, Kita jumpa lagi di hari ini, . Pada Artikel ini. saya akan coba bagikan sebuah artikel dengan judul 10W amplifier using TDA2003, kami telah mempersiapkan artikel ini sepesial buat anda untuk sekedar berbagi saja ya.... siapa tau didalam isi artikel in bermanfaat buat anda. Kami berharap isi postingan Artikel Skema Elektronika, yang kami tulis ini bisa anda pahami dengan mudah. Langsung aja yaa...kita mulai, Dan selamat membaca.

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Here is the circuit diagram of a 10W audio amplifier using the popular TDA2003 IC from SGS Thomson. The IC can easily deliver 10W to a 4 Ohms load at 18V DC supply voltage. The IC can be also operated from 12V and that makes it applicable in car audio systems. The useful features of TDA2003 includes short circuit protection between all pins, thermal overload protection, low harmonic distortion, low cross over distortion etc.

The circuit given here is designed as per the datasheet from the manufacturer and found to be working fine. Capacitor C7 performs the job of input DC decoupling.R2 and R3 is used to set the gain of the amplifier.C3 and R1 determines the upper cut off frequency.C6 and R4 and meant for increasing stability at high frequencies. Capacitor C5 couples the output to the speaker.

Circuit diagram with Parts list.


  • It is better to use a PCB for assembling this circuit.
  • PCB layout for this circuit can be found on the datasheet of TDA2003.
  • Use 18V DC for powering this circuit.
  • Input ground and output ground must be properly decoupled.
  • Speaker K1 can be a 4 ohm one.
  • TDA2003 must be fitted with a heat sink.

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Juhadi Kulon Progo
10W amplifier using TDA2003 - written by Juhadi Kulon Progo , published at 23.58.00, categorized as Skema Elektronika
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